This page provides a central location for all the numbers you may possibly need for checking field conditions in the event of inclement weather.
Ball Field Conditions
All School Fields: 410-313-6827
Alpha Ridge Park and Western Regional Park: 410-313-4372
Blandair Park: 410-313-3673
Cedar Lane Park: 410-313-4453
Centennial Park and Cypressmede Park: 410-313-4454
Dayton Oaks Park, Hammond and Schooley Mill Park: 410-313-4458
Dickinson Park, Hammond Park, Huntington Park and Martin Road Park: 410-313-4459
Meadowbrook Park: 410-313-2727
Rockburn Branch Park and Waterloo Park: 410-313-4455
Savage Park, Guilford Park and North Laurel Park: 410-313-4456